3. Transfer Agreement
Jacksonville Correctional Center, Pittsfield Work Camp And Greene County Impact Incarceration
Program And Jacksonville Correctional Center Employees AFSCME Local 3549
Memorandum of Agreement
Transfer Policy for RC-O6
RC-06 employees at the Jacksonville Correctional Center, Pittsfield Work Camp or Greene
County Impact Incarceration Program who desire to transfer to the same or lower position classification in the same classification
series, an equal or lower position in a classification in which he/she was previously certified, and for which he/she is qualified
at a different facility (Jacksonville, Pittsfield or Greene County) shall file a written request with the Warden's office.
These requests shall be formed into a transfer list for each facility. Employees may only submit a request for transfer for
one (I) facility (Jacksonville, Pittsfield or Greene County lIP.) Employees may only add their names to a transfer list during
the first ten (10) days of July and/or the first ten (10) days of January of each fiscal year. Written notice of such shall
be read during roll calls the last seven (7) days of June/December.
An employee who has been suspended for more than thirty (30) days within the twenty-four
(24) months immediately proceeding the effective date of a transfer shall not be eligible for transfer. An employee who has
been suspended for three (3) or more days within a twelve (12) month period immediately preceding the effective date of a
transfer shall not be eligible for transfer. An employee ineligible under this section shall not be allowed to place his/her
name on the transfer list and/or shall be removed from the appropriate transfer list upon receiving such suspension.
An employee who is on "furnish proof status" shall not be eligible for transfer under
this Agreement. An employee ineligible under this section shall not be allowed to add his/her name to a transfer list and/or
shall be removed from the transfer list upon placement on such status.
RC-06 transfers to the Jacksonville Correctional Center as a result of the Statewide
Transfer Policy for RC-06 Employees shall not be eligible for transfer to Pittsfield or Greene County for a period of six.
(6) months from the effective date of said transfer. Likewise, newly hired employees shall not be eligible for a period of
six. (6) months from their date of hire.
The first two (2) of every three (3) correctional officer vacancies at Pittsfield
and Greene County shall be filled by the least senior eligible employees from the transfer list for the affected facility.
If there are no employees on the transfer list for the affected facility, vacancies will be filled by the least senior employee/new
hire at Jacksonville.
Selection for every third (3rd) Correctional Officer vacancy, thereafter, and other
RC-06 vacancies at Pittsfield and Greene County shall be offered first to the most senior eligible employee on the transfer
list for the affected facility. If there are no employees on the transfer list for the affected facility, vacancies will be
filled by the least senior employee/new hire at Jacksonville.
RC-06 vacancies at Jacksonville shall also be offered to employees at Pittsfield and
Greene County on the basis of seniority.
An employee who exercises his/her rights under this agreement may only do so once
every twenty-for (24) months & from the effective date of the transfer.
Any exception to filling vacancies as outlined in this agreement shall have the expressed
and mutual written consent of both the Jacksonville Correctional Center CAO and the Jacksonville Correctional Center Employees,
AFSCME Local3549.
When management determines an operating need to detail an employee to Pittsfield or
Greene County from Jacksonville, or vice versa, it shall make such
assignments based upon seniority. Eligibility shall be based on the employee's
use of time and disciplinary record per section I of this Agreement. Such
assignment shall not exceed sixty (60) working days in a twelve (12) month period.
Extensions shall be agreed to by the same means as section 8 of this
Correctional Officers who desire a transfer to Greene County shall only be permitted
such transfer if each of the following occurs:
Obtain a physician's statement releasing him/her to be able to participate in the
required physical fitness testing.
Within one (1) year preceding selection to transfer thereto, successfully meet the
physical standards set forth in Attachment A.
Comply with grooming standards set for in Attachment B. This shall
include and apply to non-security RC-06 and CU-500 staff also.
Participate in an oral interview. Upon request, an AFSCME staff representative and/or
other union representative may be present during
the oral interview for observational purposes only.
This language regards only initial transfer to Greene County and shall not be used
to disqualify employees already assigned.
Employees who desire to participate in the screening process for transfer to Greene
County shall do so without loss of pay if such screening is held during his/her hours of work.
An employee who is selected for transfer to Greene County and subsequently at any
point during his/her assignment desires to terminate such assignment shall be permitted right of return to his/her position
immediately preceding his/her transfer to Greene County. Such returns shall be on the basis of seniority, subject to vacancies
at Jacksonville. There shall be no involuntary transfers from Greene County unless an employee work related performance has
a significant negative impact on the orderly operation of the Program. The Union
and the employee shall be given ten (10) working days notice of such proposed transfer
(except in emergency situation) and shall be afforded, upon request, an opportunity to discuss the reasons for such transfer
prior to its implementation.
The Statewide Transfer Policy for RC-06 Employees is only applicable to the filling
of vacancies at the Jacksonville Correctional Center. The vacancies filled under this Agreement at Pittsfield and Greene County
including new hires are not applicable under any language in said Statewide Agreement.
This Memorandum of Agreement supersedes any provisions to the Contrary which may be
contained in the Statewide Master or Supplemental Agreements, the June 30, 1989 (revised July I, 1994 and renewed July I,
1997) Transfer Policy for RC-06 Employees, the January 14, 1991 Agreement for Dixon Springs with provisions regarding staffing
Work Camps, and the December 14, 1992 Memorandum of Agreement for the Greene County Boot Camp, and shall remain in full force
and effect unless mutually modified by the parties in subsequent' negotiations, and is without precedent or prejudice